Casey Anderson

Musician / Sound Artist, Creative Technologist, Educator, Community Organizer


CD/Download, 2016

"In 2012 the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles' department of Education, arranged via Madison Brookshire, donated 60 portable AM/FM radios to me. Originally purchased for a Michael Pisaro performance, they sat unused in MOCA’s basement amongst other leftover materials for years until I discovered them while preparing for a series of events. When I got them they were surrounded by a tangle of earbuds that resembled a nest. They are all the exact same make and model and strike me as a family.

Shortly before this donation I wrote my first piece explicitly for radios, possible dust. In possible dust one radio is mistuned between noise and some broadcast and, over the course of the performance, each performer attempts to locate that "tuning" on a radio by ear. Sometimes this happens immediately (at which point the piece is over), sometimes one performer hangs over after the rest of the ensemble has finished tuning, arriving at a kind of accidental solo. possible dust was the first of many pieces whose genesis came from having a large quantity of AM/FM radios on hand."

from Making RADIOS, by Casey Anderson


  • Nov 02 2016, Casey Anderson — Radios, Lucas Schleicher, Dusted
  • Oct 04 2016, Trust in the Labels, George Grella, Brooklyn Rail